Laptop Vendors can Verify Arm-based 5G PCs through Keysight


California based Keysight Technologies, one of the leading technology company that delivers advanced design and validation solutions to help accelerate innovation to connect and secure the world, is one of the first to enable laptop vendors to verify Arm-based 5G personal computers (PCs) powered by Windows on Snapdragon Compute Platforms with integrated software-centric test solutions.   

The Snapdragon compute platform, a multi-connectivity solution developed by Qualcomm Technologies, delivers superior performance in light, fan-less and highly secure laptops with advanced camera and audio capabilities and 5G connectivity. Many Windows-based laptop vendors use the Snapdragon compute platform to deliver 5G mobile compute for cloud-enhanced experiences that increase productivity, efficiency and connectivity. Keysight enables Qualcomm Technologies to accelerate validation of PCs powered by Snapdragon across the workflow, spanning design, development and manufacturing.

Laptop Vendors can Verify Arm-based 5G PCs Powered by Windows on Snapdragon Compute Platforms through Keysight Source

“Keysight is pleased to strengthen the company’s collaboration with Qualcomm Technologies and enable the leading modem maker to address adjacent markets for its Snapdragon compute platform, resulting in seamless mobile connectivity for users of always on, always connected laptops,” said Lucas Hansen, senior director in Keysight’s Wireless Test Group. “Since 2016, Keysight and Qualcomm Technologies have jointly delivered technology-first trials in 5G that enable vendors and mobile operators to deliver essential levels of wireless connectivity for a wide range of applications.”



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