DeFi Technologies Inc. Announces Valour Inc.’s Ripple (XRP) ETP

Valour plans to introduce a Ripple (XRP) Exchange Traded Product on a European exchange in early December 2023, expanding its range of digital asset investment products.

DeFi Technologies Inc. (the “Company” or “DeFi Technologies”), a crypto native technology company that pioneers the convergence of traditional capital markets with the world of decentralized finance (“DeFi”), is excited to announce that its subsidiary Valour Inc. (“Valour”), a leading issuer of exchange-traded products (“ETPs”) that provide simplified access to digital assets, plans to launch a Ripple (XRP) ETP […]

Delta Finance, new DeFi protocol for decentralized savings option

Delta Finance is a project that utilizes NFT and blockchain technology combined with a concept banks have used for years to create a protocol aimed at improving decentralized finance, known in the crypto world as DeFi. The protocol has taken the concept of certificates of deposit, a form of a savings account, and translated it […]

DeFi Technologies announces two new ETPs on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange

DeFi Technologies, a technology company that aims to bridge the gap between traditional capital markets and decentralised finance, announced today that Valour Inc., its wholly owned subsidiary and a pioneer in digital asset ETPs, received approval to begin trading Valour Polkadot (DOT) EUR and Valour Cardano (ADA) EUR on the Boerse Frankfurt Zertifikate AG. Trading of […]