Cognita Introduces A.I. handwriting and spelling App- Kaligo

Kaligo is designed to teach students how to write and spell using a stylus and tablet, built on an A.I. machine learning platform. Following six years of research, curriculum-aligned exercises have been co-created with teachers, occupational therapists and neuroscientists. A self-paced approach enables children to progress at their own speed according to their own ability, whilst A.I. Machine learning provides real-time corrective feedback and stores data for future analysis.

Kaligo enables teachers to enhance their handwriting teaching methods by using tablets and styluses within the classroom, Create lesson plans, monitor student progression and review each child’s work on our dedicated space for teachers.
Subject to the pilot project’s success, the app could be deployed gradually across the remaining Cognita schools from the middle of the 2021/22 academic year.

As Donna Shah, Assistant Digital Learning Adviser at Cognita schools, explains, “At Cognita, our use of technology in education has been given as a shining example of schools using technology to bring students together and to engage them collaboratively with their teachers. Kaligo is a welcome addition to our existing edtech portfolio and will help our teachers deliver the highest quality, personalised learning journey in handwriting, spelling and literacy.  We look forward to seeing the results of the impact trial pilot over the next few weeks.”

The impact of Kaligo on handwriting has already been successful in other schools trialling the handwriting and spelling app, with some children progressing by two-year groups in just a few weeks.

“We are looking forward to seeing the results of the impact trial pilot across the schools selected by Cognita over the next few weeks. The additional new features added to Kaligo in recent months means that it is now a gamechanger for handwriting and spelling in the classroom and helping schools to close any gaps in learning.” added Joshua Maddocks, from Kaligo.



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