
Representative image of a man working with a tablet and controlling the manufacturing process (Image by podgornaiaelena on Freepik)
Introduction Smart factories represent the future of manufacturing. Integrating...
TPG Makes Significant Strategic Investment in Altimetrik to Accelerate Growth and Innovation
Altimetrik, a pure-play digital business company, announced yesterday that it has...
Neeru Arora, North American Senior Vice President, Chief Information Officer,Mazda
Mazda North American Operations (MNAO) yesterday announced Neeru Arora, a results-driven...
Trustwise Launches With $4 Million Round From Hitachi Ventures to Solve Generative AI Safety and Efficiency
Syngenta and InstaDeep collaborate to accelerate crops seeds trait research using AI Large Language Model
Solidus Labs Partners with Figment To Revolutionize Institutional ETH Staking
Zilch Raises £100M Financing Deal to Fuel Expansion Strategy
WSPN and DigiFT Forge Strategic Partnership in Web3 Digital Payments and Investment
Orium Acquires Gluo to Expand Its Composable Commerce Footprint into Fast-Growing Latin America Market 
SaskPower, Westinghouse and Cameco Sign MOU to Explore Reactor and Fuel Supply Potential
Wisk Aero and Houston Airports Partner to Bring Autonomous Air Taxis to the Greater Houston Region
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