Single Pass forges a strategic partnership with 3Comma Medical

Single Pass and 3Comma Medical Form International Distribution Partnership
Single Pass and 3Comma Medical Form International Distribution Partnership

Single Pass, Inc., the pioneer and sole provider of disposable electrocautery devices for preventing post-biopsy bleeding, is delighted to announce its strategic partnership with 3comma Medical / 3comma Medical GmbH, a commercial services firm that partners with early-stage medical device companies to launch their products globally, build revenue streams, and drive company value.

Under this collaboration, 3comma will serve as the exclusive international (OUS) distributor for Single Pass, leveraging its extensive network, industry expertise, and market insights to expedite the adoption of Single Pass’s groundbreaking biopsy product. The synergy will empower healthcare facilities globally to access Single Pass’s groundbreaking medical device, equipping clinicians with an advanced tool to elevate patient care and safety standards.

Bill Colone - Single Pass Co-founder and CEO
Bill Colone – Single Pass Co-founder and CEO

“We are thrilled to join forces with 3comma as our new OUS commercial partner,” said Bill Colone, CEO and Co-founder of Single Pass Inc. “Their reputation for excellence and dedication to innovation perfectly aligns with our mission to revolutionize medical procedures. Together, we are poised to make a significant impact in healthcare delivery worldwide.”

An endorsement by the Orange County Business Journal further solidifies Bill’s reputation as the go-to expert for physicians with medical device concepts, affirming, “If you’re a doctor with an idea for a medical device, Bill Colone is your guy to turn it into reality.”

Marc Paris - Managing Partner 3comma
Marc Paris – Managing Partner 3comma

Marc Paris, Managing Partner of 3comma, expressed enthusiasm about the partnership: “We are excited to partner with Single Pass to bring the Kronos device to physicians worldwide. By combining our global distribution capabilities with Single Pass’s innovative solutions, we aim to make biopsy procedures safer across the globe.”



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