Singapore hosts Asia Pacific energy regulators meeting

Energy regulators from 12 countries convened at the Asia Pacific Energy Regulatory(APER)Forum from 27–28 October 2021 during the Singapore international Energy Week to discuss global energy developments and key challenges facing our energy systems. Chaired by the Energy Market Authority (EMA) of Singapore ,the Forum was well attended by energy regulators from Australia, People’s Republic […]
EMA Awards three Engineering students

Three engineering students have been awarded this year’s Energy-Industry Scholarship(EIS)–a dedicated scholarship for the energy sector offered jointly by the Energy Market Authority (EMA) and industry partners (sponsoring organisations). The three recipients are Mr Bryan Low Zi Yao, Mr Muhammad Harith Bin Hidayat and Mr Wesley Wang Dinghong from Singapore Polytechnic. They will join their […]
EMA to Explore Geothermal Energy

The Energy Market Authority (EMA) is exploring the potential of harnessing geothermal energy in Singapore, following new developments in technology. If found to be feasible, geothermal energy could serve as a new and additional source of indigenous clean energy besides solar for power generation in Singapore. Singapore is sited in a region with quality geothermal […]
EMA and JTC Launch $6 Million Open Call to Accelerate Clean Energy Innovations on Jurong Island
Jurong Island will serve as a living testbed and model for the innovation and adoption of renewable energy, energy storage systems (ESS) and low-carbon technologies. The Energy Market Authority (EMA) and JTC have jointly launched a Jurong Island Renewable Energy Request for Proposals (RFP) to accelerate the development of clean energy innovations for implementation on […]
EMA to Seek Proposals for Electricity Imports

The Energy Market Authority(EMA)intends to issue two Requests for Proposal (RFP) for up to a total of 4 gigawatts (GW) of low-carbon electricity imports into Singapore by 2035, as part of Singapore’s efforts to decarbonise our power sector and enhance energy security by diversifying energy supply sources. This is expected to makeup around30% of Singapore’s […]