2022 Look Ahead: How APAC Organisations are Preparing for a New Threat Landscape

Over 18 months since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, McAfee Enterprise and FireEye found that most APAC organisations have experienced a two-fold blow, caught between increased cyber threats and reduced security budgets. Looking ahead to 2022, nearly all IT professionals across Singapore (99%), Australia (94%) and India (99%) see an urgent need for organisations […]

Cyberthreats hit 89% organizations in Singapore

McAfee Enterprise and FireEye today released Cybercrime in a Pandemic World: The Impact of COVID-19 findings, revealing the imminent need for organizations to prioritize and strengthen their cybersecurity architecture. The findings indicated during the pandemic 89% of Singapore organizations experienced increased cyber threats, with 81% experiencing downtime due to a cyber incident during a peak […]