Mitsubishi Electric inks agreement with Nozomi Networks

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation announced recently that it has reached agreement with Nozomi Networks Inc, a developer and distributor of operational technology (OT) security solutions, to jointly pursue OT security initiatives including marketing and technical development. As part of the agreement, Mitsubishi Electric has acquired an equity stake in Nozomi Networks. Mitsubishi Electric will integrate its factory-automation […]
Mitsubishi Electric and Movensys announce partnership

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Headquariyoda-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Kei Uruma, “Mitsubishi Electric”) and MOVENSYS Inc. (Headquarters: Seongnam, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, CEO: Pyongwon Pak/Japan Corporation: Tachikawa, Tokyo, “Movensys”) jointly announced today that they have entered into a business partnership to strengthen collaboration in their respective AC servo and motion control businesses. As part of the agreement, Mitsubishi […]
Mitsubishi Electric’s ME Innovation Fund invests in Elephantech Inc.

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation announced yesterday that its ME Innovation Fund, has invested in Elephantech Inc. The startup is one of the first companies in the world to successfully mass-produce printed circuit boards using metal inkjet printing. This is the fund’s fourth investment in a target company. Under its mission of Making the world sustainable with […]
Mitsubishi Electric to open new air conditioner plant in India

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation announced recently that it will invest some 26.7 billion yen (about U.S.$ 222.5 million), in its subsidiary company Mitsubishi Electric India Pvt. Ltd. to establish a factory for the production of room air conditioners and compressors in India. Local production, targeted to start in October 2025, is expected to help the company […]
Mitsubishi Electric & Global Brain launches ME Innovation Fund

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation and Global Brain Corporation announced recently their immediate launch of the ME Innovation Fund, a corporate venture capital (CVC) fund that will invest in and partner with startups across the world. The fund will operate with a commitment to invest five billion yen in capital over the next ten years. Today, open […]
Mitsubishi Electric Achieves Major Targets of Environmental Vision 2021

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (TOKYO: 6503) announced today that it has fulfilled the major targets of its just-completed Environmental Vision 2021 that the company introduced in 2007. By achieving the targets of this vision, Mitsubishi Electric has contributed to the realization of a more sustainable, low-carbon world that emphasizes recycling and harmony with nature. The vision’s guiding […]