NHS’s healthcare providers come together to form King’s International Consortium

King’s International Consortium, the UK’s first with the support of the NHS Export Collaborative, has been established. The recently launched consortium, which took place in London, was presided over by Lord Prior, former Chair of the NHS.

The five consortium members are King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, and has the support of the NHS Export Collaborative, Healthcare UK, NHS England and the Department of Health and Social Care. 

The establishment of the NHS Export Collaborative and consortia is part of the 2019 NHS long-term plan, and aims to generate additional income and investment for the benefit of NHS patients.

The King’s International Consortium members have over 1,000 years of combined experience in delivering excellent and high-quality care to patients, both across the UK and internationally, including the Middle East, and have a proven record of accomplishment in delivering international projects and offering expertise across all clinical specialities.

Charles Alexander, Joint Chair for Guy’s and St Thomas’ and King’s; Dr Mike More, Chair for Cambridge University Hospitals; Christine Outram MBE, Chair for The Christie; and Ros Given-Wilson, Interim Chair for Moorfields released a joint statement of support.

“We are delighted to have established King’s International Consortium, which brings together five of the most innovative and internationally recognised healthcare providers from the UK’s National Health Service (NHS).

“The aim of King’s International Consortium is to export British healthcare collaboratively, by working in partnership with external investors to deliver large-scale international healthcare projects, to market our world-class capabilities and to bring in additional income and investment for the benefit of NHS patients.

“This innovation, the first of its kind in the UK, will strengthen our position as being leaders in the field of exporting NHS standards of care and quality.  

“We are grateful to the NHS Export Collaborative and Healthcare UK, as well as NHS England and The Department of Health and Social Care. 

“We are committed to ensuring the King’s International Consortium is a success for its partners and the NHS.”

At the launch event, Lord Prior, former Chair of the NHS said: “This is a great achievement and I wanted to congratulate those who put this strong consortium of NHS member Trusts together. I am excited and encouraged for the future of King’s International Consortium and for the opportunities the members will have by working together.”

Dr Aphrodite Spanou, Director for Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate – Department for International Trade, said: “King’s International Consortium is a vanguard model of collaborative working. Healthcare UK has eagerly followed and supported its establishment as they create a combined global healthcare presence. I am pleased to be invited to this launch event and congratulate its members on the innovations they deliver that make a difference to patients at home and abroad.”

All services delivered by the King’s International Consortium will be managed via King’s Commercial Services.


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