OneAmerica recently announced committing $1Mln for activating a personalized tailor-made financial education program in central Indiana with the active collaboration from The American College of Financial Services (ACFS).
OneAmerica claims that this program will offer practical financial knowledge to develop a personal relationship with finance and drive economic empowerment, with a focus on reducing the racial wealth gap.
OneAmerica further explained that this innovative program, funded over a five-year period, is a cutting-edge educational and empowering experience that teaches important personal finance concepts.
The Industry sources added that by utilization of the ACFS’s e-learning design and delivery philosophy and building on the institution’s own financial wellness curriculum originally conceived for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), the program anticipated for Indiana will become a more regional model.
OneAmerica’s investment will aid to bring the program to educational institutions and non-profit organizations in central Indiana.
OneAmerica, The American College of Financial Services, Martin University, Ivy Tech Community College, and other nonprofit organizations, including the Indianapolis Urban League, will collaborate to bring the educational opportunity to the Central Indiana community beginning in August 2022.

Scott Davison, president, and chief executive officer of OneAmerica stated: “Building on the enthusiasm we’ve seen with our OneAmerica Pathways students to better understand personal finance, we see this program as an opportunity to provide an important financial education resource that can lay a foundation for economic empowerment and wealth building. OneAmerica has an absolute commitment to impact and results, and we look forward to working with local nonprofits to deliver a program that creates an easy access path to financial education in central Indiana.”

George Nichols III, president, and CEO of The American College. of Financial Services explained stating: “Economic wellness is a personal process. ACFS promised to build the success of our program in HBCUs with the right partners committed to impact and results in their communities. OneAmerica has demonstrated its commitment not only to critical thinking but first and foremost to activating significant opportunities that open doors with real-world applications. Other partners translate into a deeper impact in bridging the gap. Racial wealth through financial education and empowerment. This is a very promising step.”
Sean L. Huddleston, president of Martin University, and Leon Jackson, dean of Saint Joseph’s College at Marian University, joined Davison and Nichols at the announcement along with several other community organizations.
“This is an incredible step to be able to create generational wealth in the communities that deserve it most,” said Huddleston. “We have a course that is part of our core curriculum called Student Success. We also want to make sure our graduates have the opportunity to take advantage of this partnership and information.”
“St. Joseph’s College employs an ‘earn and learn’ model, in which each student works towards a bachelor’s degree. This program will serve as a companion to our personal finance course, which is a required class at St. Joseph’s, like every campus in Marian,” Jackson stated. Jackson added “This ‘earn and learn’ model employed by St. Joseph’s College allows students to earn a salary that eliminates the need for student loans, so they can achieve a future that is not clouded by debt to pay for their studies. This alliance goes a long way in supporting our efforts.”
Industry sources added that Nichols and Davison have collaborated to activate other opportunities for the African American and Colored communities. While Davison served as chairman of The College’s board of directors, he helped support several new initiatives for The American College, including the launch of an economic empowerment center and the growth of the Conference for Black Financial Professionals.