ZEISS Research Microscopy Solutions announced its new microsite featuring nine researchers and 24 areas of study, to celebrate the amazing breakthroughs these scientists are achieving with ZEISS instruments. This virtual component is the at-home extension of their new interactive touchscreen experience recently debuted at ZEISS tradeshows. The microsite’s web interface allows for an intuitive interaction to explore microscopic discoveries and will grow with more research breakthroughs to come. The microsite will allow the user to see some of what is featured during microscopy events.
“We partner with leading researchers to provide enabling microscopy solutions to acquire images that are turned into actionable data. In the process, we get a window into their amazing discoveries. This microsite is a way to give that same visibility of the incredible research they do to anyone interested in science,” said Joseph Huff, Head of Marketing, ZEISS Microscopy, North America. “We plan to release more interactive clips as we grow the site, with two new releases per month and more researchers to present in the future.”
ZEISS Microscopy’s new site offers content from top researchers, giving insight into the knowledge gained through their scientific discoveries. The microsite currently features nine segments with leading researchers and will add fifteen more in the upcoming months. Topics covered so far include neuroscience, education, cell biology, cancer research, electronics, material science and metals, and natural resources and geology. ZEISS plans to offer more segments covering more areas of research they support on its platform. In the future, it will include researchers in the fields of biotech, biopharmaceuticals and more.
ZEISS’s new website and smart wall experience are compatible with the company’s sustainability initiative. By offering a highly digital experience through its scientific presentations, it cuts back on travel for presenters and the cost of shipping equipment and materials, reducing the company’s carbon footprint.
“We designed this content to be part of a full conference experience overhaul in response to the peak of digitization during the global pandemic,” said Megan Gagliardi, Head of Marketing Operations and Communications, ZEISS Microscopy, North America. “These components help us keep an eye on sustainability and offer a way to scale our offering without adding to our carbon footprint.”