GEFCO has created an innovative road-rail solution to save Toyota Motor Europe in CO2 emissions. Drawing on GEFCO’s multimodal logistics expertise, this service transports automotive parts in reusable containers from Spain to the north of France in two daily return journeys. Compared with the previous road-only transportation, this solution enables Toyota to significantly reduce its carbon footprint.
This latest logistics solution builds on GEFCO’s strong 20-year partnership with Toyota Motor Europe to supply factories with parts in France, the United Kingdom and other European countries.

“One of our priorities is finding solutions to help our supply chain partners reduce their carbon footprint. In true Partners, unlimited spirit, our teams worked closely with Toyota Motor Europe teams to design a tailored transport flow that reduces our customer’s carbon footprint. We’re delighted to able to rise to the challenge of helping Toyota in Europe adopt more sustainable logistics practices, and strengthen our partnership in the process”, Yvon Pasquiou, Sales and Marketing Director for GEFCO France.