Family Businesses fail due to low digital capabilities

Photo by Krisztina Papp on Unsplash

Seven out of Ten families on public household agencies nevertheless hold a poorly digital presence, in spite of the endured upward jab between faith on digital structures by using consumers.

In the Global Family Business Survey 2021 by way of PwC, solely 29% on family agencies stated those had “strong” digital capabilities. Only 16% concerning this native household companies stated their digital trip was once complete.

38% pointed out that even agreement their digital capabilities have been not strong, improving to them was a modern priority.

The survey also risen so much the pinnacle precedency over nearly family businesses was once expanding among new markets or customer segments (73%). This was once followed via businesses rethinking, changing or adapting their business models (56%) yet improving digital capabilities (54%). Meanwhile, family corporations are constructive about the potent because of increase of the next twin years. 64% stated she predicted boom into 2021. Optimism further skyrocketed in accordance with 90% so the survey participants were asked in relation to theirs boom expectations because 2022.


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